Tuesday 8 May 2007


New Web site set up called www.Kilternan.info

This site has a forum where you can share information, add comments, talk about histroy, share ideas etc. about the Kiternan area.

HAve a look and let them know.

Sunday 6 May 2007

Kilternan Art Exhibition

Kilternan Art Group are holding an Art Exhibition in the VEC in Kilternan n Saturday 12th May and Sunday 13th May from 11am through to 5pm. Free Admission

Ball for Sale

The Golden Ball (aka Palmer's pub) is up for sale. rumours suggest that it is worth 16-18 million euro... A prime site, 9 miles from Dublin, the land is zoned as Neighbourhood Center, so it may be kncoked.
One way or another it has played a substanital part of many people's lives in Kilteran.

Family Fun Day

Great day out for all the family organised by Church of Ireland in Kilternan, next Saturday 12th May 2007. Lots of fun with food, bric-a-brac, dog show, raffles, games etc. etc.

Saturday 5 May 2007

Get out your box

On the first friday of each month, some Kilternan Residents travel down to St. Johns in Balinteer to play the accordian (the "box")
Niall Cannon gives Mick Mulligan and Willy Lee a lift down and makes sure they they leave in time for a quick pint in the Golden Ball before closing ....

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Update from Council on Local Area PLan

The Planning Authority shall, not later than 3 WEEKS after the passing of the Resolution (at the County Council Meeting), publish a notice to advise the public of the proposed variations/modifications to the Draft LAP. Three weeks from 16 April '07 take us to 7 May 2007 (a public holiday), thus the display needs to be up on 4 May 2007.
The Material Amendments are then on public display for 4 WEEKS, during which time Submissions/Observations on the Proposed Modifications/Variations ONLY can be submitted to the Council up to the end of the 4-week period (closing date 1 June 2007 at 16h30).